Class sizes range between 16 and 20 students
School begins at 7:50am and concludes at 2:20pm
An Extended Day Program is offered daily until 5:30pm for an hourly rate
Registration begins during Catholic Schools Week (last week of January)
Tuition is billed in ten monthly installments beginning in July through the FACTS Tuition Management Company
Currently we align our curriculum with the New York State Learning Standards in ELA and Math. New York State tests are administered in Grades 3 and 5. Students in Grades 3 and 5 take the NYS English and Language Arts (ELA) test and the Mathematics test. Students in Grade 4 take the NYS Elementary Science Test. Students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 also take the IOWA Assessments. Results of these testing programs are used by the teachers to adjust curriculum, identify students for remediation and identify students for enrichment activities.
Our Core Curriculum of Religion, Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies is enhanced by a strong cultural arts program
Students participate in Art, Library, Music, Physical Education, Spanish, and Technology classes weekly.
Students visit the STREAM Lab weekly
We also offer:
Math and Science Club
Young Scholars
Saturday Scholars
Project Enrich