
"St. Clement's has always had an impressive on incorporating the latest technology into their curriculum and fortunately everything was already in place when the COVID-19 closure occurred. We left school on Friday, March 13th and we were up and running virtually the following Monday, the 16th.
My children each had assignments delivered daily, videos from their teachers to start each day, live meetings with teachers and classmates and a clear understanding of what was expected. There was never a void in their communication or ability to learn. They were even able to continue virtually with their Spanish, Physical Education, Music, Art, Library and Technology classes!
As the school year came to a close, I had the comfort of knowing my children were ready to move up to the next grade level. In the three months they were home being taught virtually, I continued to see progression because their teachers were able to be in constant communication with them. Each grade level had a system in place in the classroom that was able to be put into motion immediately at home. The students knew what they had to do because they were already using the programs in school. I am sure it was not as smooth behind the scenes but for the parents and students at St. Clement's it was a seamless transition to on-line learning during a time when everything else was very uncertain."
Denise Barber (Parent of a K & 4th grader)
"I attended St. Clement’s from Kindergarten onward, graduating in 1990. My years there were safe and busy; formation in my faith was constant and fully integrated in the school day; and the first small sparks of what would become my lifelong interests and professional pursuits were introduced, encouraged, and fueled. I left St. Clement’s well prepared for high school (Spa Catholic), where I excelled academically and was a contributing and active member of the community through my involvement in athletics and other extracurricular activities and extensive community service.
As a parent, there was no other school I wanted my children to attend than St. Clement’s. As when I was a student there, the environment is safe, the academics challenging, and good behavior is both expected and required. Most important to my husband and me, however, is that St. Clement’s reflects and supports what we teach our children at home: our faith should pervade all areas of our lives. The St. Clement’s students are constantly taught how much Jesus loves them and others, and how to bring Jesus to the world. They are learning how to be responsible and respectful, and the importance and obligation of serving God and others."
Kate Towne Sherwin, Class of 1990 and mother of 3 current St. Clement's students

"Our family has been a part of the St. Clement’s school community for 5 years. Throughout that time, we have experienced the true sense of family that comes from always putting the students first. This has been evident more now than ever as the world navigates through this unprecedented time. St. Clement’s took a thorough and conservative approach to reopening the school to ensure maximum safety for the students and faculty without sacrificing comfort or quality of education. They have offered flexible learning models to accommodate each family’s needs and have ensured that all students are maintaining the same support and guidance from their teachers. Throughout all of the uncertainty, the administration and teachers have continued to demonstrate the core values that make St. Clement’s School so special - trust, faith, and family. We are so proud to be a part of this community! "
Kate Clark parent of K, 1st, 4th grader
"St. Clement’s School has been a gratifying experience for our children and family. We have been fortunate enough to see our six children attend school there. St. Clement’s has benefited our family in so many ways. Every day you are welcomed by Mrs. Kromm and the staff. The day begins and ends with a prayer. Mrs. Kromm knows each child by name and makes every effort to let them know how important they are.
Likewise, the teachers and staff work hard to provide a rigorous curriculum, but more importantly, to encourage the children to serve God and the community and to live out their faith in their actions. We are very pleased that our children attended St. Clement’s. They have gone on to be very successful students in both middle school and high school."
Andrea and Gregory Kelly
"In addition to the caring teachers and staff, who obviously truly want to be there, St. Clement’s School is the perfect school for a busy professional family. The after school programming, whether gymnastics or a play or spending time with Miss Pat and Mr. G made us very comfortable and our daughters had fun. Having religion a part of everyday life at the school was important to us and we were impressed with how polite and respectful every student at St. Clement’s seemed to be. Not too long ago as we were having dinner, our youngest daughter remarked how lucky she was to go to St. Clement’s. Both of our girls made lifelong friends and acquired study and life skills that will be with them forever."
Cynthia and Brien Hollowood
“We were apprehensive about what this school year would look like, but knowing that our child would be going back to St Clements allowed us to feel more at ease. The teachers and staff love our child like their own, and have gone above and beyond to ensure that everyone is safe in school. We are so proud to be a part of the St Clements family!”
Chelsea Bolles parent of 1st grader